Linear Model Decision Trees

There are multiple formulations for representing linear model decision trees.

Please see the following reference:
  • Ammari et al. (2023) Linear Model Decision Trees as Surrogates in Optimization of Engineering Applications. Computers & Chemical Engineering

We utilize the following common nomenclature in the formulations:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} L &:= \text{Set of leaves} \\ z_{\ell} &:= \text{Binary variable indicating which leaf is selected} \\ x &:= \text{Vector of input variables to the decision tree} \\ d &:= \text{Output variable from the decision tree} \\ a_{\ell} &:= \text{Vector of slopes learned by the tree for leaf } \ell \in L\\ b_{\ell} &:= \text{Bias term learned by the tree for leaf } \ell \in L\\ \end{align*}\end{split}\]

Linear Tree Definition

class omlt.linear_tree.lt_definition.LinearTreeDefinition(lt_regressor, scaling_object=None, scaled_input_bounds=None, unscaled_input_bounds=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class to represent a linear tree model trained in the linear-tree package


Linear Tree Model trained in linear-tree


linear-tree model


Dict containing split node information




Dict containing leaf node information




Dict containing splitting threshold information




Scaling object to ensure scaled data match units of broader optimization problem


scaling object


Dict containing scaled input bounds




Dict containing unscaled input bounds




property leaves

Returns dict containing leaf information

property n_inputs

Returns number of inputs to the linear tree

property n_outputs

Returns number of outputs to the linear tree

property scaled_input_bounds

Returns dict containing scaled input bounds

property scaling_object

Returns scaling object

property splits

Returns dict containing split information

property thresholds

Returns dict containing threshold information

Linear Tree Formulations

class omlt.linear_tree.lt_formulation.LinearTreeGDPFormulation(lt_definition, transformation='bigm')[source]

Bases: _PyomoFormulation

Class to add a Linear Tree GDP formulation to OmltBlock. We use Pyomo.GDP to create the disjuncts and disjunctions and then apply a transformation to convert to a mixed-integer programming representation.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} & \underset{\ell \in L}{\bigvee} \left[ \begin{gathered} Z_{\ell} \\ \underline{x}_{\ell} \leq x \leq \overline{x}_{\ell} \\ d = a_{\ell}^T x + b_{\ell} \end{gathered} \right] \\ & \texttt{exactly_one} \{ Z_{\ell} : \ell \in L \} \\ & x^L \leq x \leq x^U \\ & x \in \mathbb{R}^n \\ & Z_{\ell} \in \{ \texttt{True, False} \} \quad \forall \ \ell \in L \end{align*}\end{split}\]

Additional nomenclature for this formulation is as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} Z_{\ell} &:= \text{Boolean variable indicating which leaf is selected} \\ \overline{x}_{\ell} &:= \text{Vector of upper bounds for leaf } \ell \in L \\ \underline{x}_{\ell} &:= \text{Vector of lower bounds for leaf } \ell \in L \\ x^U &:= \text{Vector of global upper bounds} \\ x^L &:= \text{Vector of global lower bounds} \\ \end{align*}\end{split}\]
Inherited from _PyomoFormulation Class

LinearTreeDefinition object


choose which transformation to apply. The supported transformations are bigm, mbigm, hull, and custom.


  • Ammari et al. (2023) Linear Model Decision Trees as Surrogates in Optimization of Engineering Applications. Computers & Chemical Engineering

  • Chen et al. (2022) Pyomo.GDP: An ecosystem for logic based modeling and optimization development. Optimization and Engineering, 23:607–642

property input_indexes

The indexes of the formulation inputs.

property output_indexes

The indexes of the formulation output.

class omlt.linear_tree.lt_formulation.LinearTreeHybridBigMFormulation(lt_definition)[source]

Bases: _PyomoFormulation

Class to add a Linear Tree Hybrid Big-M formulation to OmltBlock.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} & d = \sum_{\ell \in L} (a_{\ell}^T x + b_{\ell})z_{\ell} \\ & x_i \leq \sum_{\ell \in L} \overline{x}_{i,\ell} z_{\ell} && \forall i \in [n] \\ & x_i \geq \sum_{\ell \in L} \underline{x}_{i,\ell} z_{\ell} && \forall i \in [n] \\ & \sum_{\ell \in L} z_{\ell} = 1 \end{align*}\end{split}\]

Where the following additional nomenclature is defined:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} [n] &:= \text{the integer set of variables that the tree splits on (e.g. [n] = {1, 2, ... , n})} \\ \overline{x}_{\ell} &:= \text{Vector of upper bounds for leaf } \ell \in L \\ \underline{x}_{\ell} &:= \text{Vector of lower bounds for leaf } \ell \in L \\ \end{align*}\end{split}\]
Inherited from _PyomoFormulation Class

LinearTreeDefinition object

property input_indexes

The indexes of the formulation inputs.

property output_indexes

The indexes of the formulation output.