Source code for omlt.linear_tree.lt_formulation

import numpy as np
import pyomo.environ as pe
from pyomo.gdp import Disjunct

from omlt.formulation import _PyomoFormulation, _setup_scaled_inputs_outputs

[docs]class LinearTreeGDPFormulation(_PyomoFormulation): r""" Class to add a Linear Tree GDP formulation to OmltBlock. We use Pyomo.GDP to create the disjuncts and disjunctions and then apply a transformation to convert to a mixed-integer programming representation. .. math:: \begin{align*} & \underset{\ell \in L}{\bigvee} \left[ \begin{gathered} Z_{\ell} \\ \underline{x}_{\ell} \leq x \leq \overline{x}_{\ell} \\ d = a_{\ell}^T x + b_{\ell} \end{gathered} \right] \\ & \texttt{exactly_one} \{ Z_{\ell} : \ell \in L \} \\ & x^L \leq x \leq x^U \\ & x \in \mathbb{R}^n \\ & Z_{\ell} \in \{ \texttt{True, False} \} \quad \forall \ \ell \in L \end{align*} Additional nomenclature for this formulation is as follows: .. math:: \begin{align*} Z_{\ell} &:= \text{Boolean variable indicating which leaf is selected} \\ \overline{x}_{\ell} &:= \text{Vector of upper bounds for leaf } \ell \in L \\ \underline{x}_{\ell} &:= \text{Vector of lower bounds for leaf } \ell \in L \\ x^U &:= \text{Vector of global upper bounds} \\ x^L &:= \text{Vector of global lower bounds} \\ \end{align*} Attributes: Inherited from _PyomoFormulation Class model_definition : LinearTreeDefinition object transformation : choose which transformation to apply. The supported transformations are bigm, mbigm, hull, and custom. References: * Ammari et al. (2023) Linear Model Decision Trees as Surrogates in Optimization of Engineering Applications. Computers & Chemical Engineering * Chen et al. (2022) Pyomo.GDP: An ecosystem for logic based modeling and optimization development. Optimization and Engineering, 23:607–642 """ def __init__(self, lt_definition, transformation="bigm"): """ Create a LinearTreeGDPFormulation object Arguments: lt_definition -- LinearTreeDefintion Object Keyword Arguments: transformation -- choose which Pyomo.GDP formulation to apply. Supported transformations are bigm, hull, mbigm, and custom (default: {'bigm'}) Raises: Exception: If transformation not in supported transformations """ super().__init__() self.model_definition = lt_definition self.transformation = transformation # Ensure that the GDP transformation given is supported supported_transformations = ["bigm", "hull", "mbigm", "custom"] if transformation not in supported_transformations: raise NotImplementedError( "Supported transformations are: bigm, mbigm, hull, and custom" ) @property def input_indexes(self): """The indexes of the formulation inputs.""" return list(range(self.model_definition.n_inputs)) @property def output_indexes(self): """The indexes of the formulation output.""" return list(range(self.model_definition.n_outputs)) def _build_formulation(self): """This method is called by the OmltBlock to build the corresponding mathematical formulation on the Pyomo block. """ _setup_scaled_inputs_outputs( self.block, self.model_definition.scaling_object, self.model_definition.scaled_input_bounds, ) _add_gdp_formulation_to_block( block=self.block, model_definition=self.model_definition, input_vars=self.block.scaled_inputs, output_vars=self.block.scaled_outputs, transformation=self.transformation, )
[docs]class LinearTreeHybridBigMFormulation(_PyomoFormulation): r""" Class to add a Linear Tree Hybrid Big-M formulation to OmltBlock. .. math:: \begin{align*} & d = \sum_{\ell \in L} (a_{\ell}^T x + b_{\ell})z_{\ell} \\ & x_i \leq \sum_{\ell \in L} \overline{x}_{i,\ell} z_{\ell} && \forall i \in [n] \\ & x_i \geq \sum_{\ell \in L} \underline{x}_{i,\ell} z_{\ell} && \forall i \in [n] \\ & \sum_{\ell \in L} z_{\ell} = 1 \end{align*} Where the following additional nomenclature is defined: .. math:: \begin{align*} [n] &:= \text{the integer set of variables that the tree splits on (e.g. [n] = {1, 2, ... , n})} \\ \overline{x}_{\ell} &:= \text{Vector of upper bounds for leaf } \ell \in L \\ \underline{x}_{\ell} &:= \text{Vector of lower bounds for leaf } \ell \in L \\ \end{align*} Attributes: Inherited from _PyomoFormulation Class model_definition : LinearTreeDefinition object """ def __init__(self, lt_definition): """ Create a LinearTreeHybridBigMFormulation object Arguments: lt_definition -- LinearTreeDefinition Object """ super().__init__() self.model_definition = lt_definition @property def input_indexes(self): """The indexes of the formulation inputs.""" return list(range(self.model_definition.n_inputs)) @property def output_indexes(self): """The indexes of the formulation output.""" return list(range(self.model_definition.n_outputs)) def _build_formulation(self): """This method is called by the OmltBlock to build the corresponding mathematical formulation on the Pyomo block. """ _setup_scaled_inputs_outputs( self.block, self.model_definition.scaling_object, self.model_definition.scaled_input_bounds, ) _add_hybrid_formulation_to_block( block=self.block, model_definition=self.model_definition, input_vars=self.block.scaled_inputs, output_vars=self.block.scaled_outputs, )
def _build_output_bounds(model_def, input_bounds): """ This helper function develops bounds of the output variable based on the values of the input_bounds and the signs of the slope Arguments: model_def -- Model definition input_bounds -- Dict of input bounds Returns: List that contains the conservative lower and upper bounds of the output variable """ leaves = model_def.leaves n_inputs = model_def.n_inputs tree_ids = np.array(list(leaves.keys())) features = np.arange(0, n_inputs) # Initialize bounds and variables bounds = [0, 0] upper_bound = 0 lower_bound = 0 for tree in tree_ids: for leaf in leaves[tree]: slopes = leaves[tree][leaf]["slope"] intercept = leaves[tree][leaf]["intercept"] for k in features: if slopes[k] <= 0: upper_bound += slopes[k] * input_bounds[k][0] + intercept lower_bound += slopes[k] * input_bounds[k][1] + intercept else: upper_bound += slopes[k] * input_bounds[k][1] + intercept lower_bound += slopes[k] * input_bounds[k][0] + intercept if upper_bound >= bounds[1]: bounds[1] = upper_bound if lower_bound <= bounds[0]: bounds[0] = lower_bound upper_bound = 0 lower_bound = 0 return bounds def _add_gdp_formulation_to_block( block, model_definition, input_vars, output_vars, transformation ): """ This function adds the GDP representation to the OmltBlock using Pyomo.GDP Arguments: block -- OmltBlock model_definition -- LinearTreeDefinition Object input_vars -- input variables to the linear tree model output_vars -- output variable of the linear tree model transformation -- Transformation to apply """ leaves = model_definition.leaves input_bounds = model_definition.scaled_input_bounds n_inputs = model_definition.n_inputs # The set of leaves and the set of features tree_ids = list(leaves.keys()) t_l = [] for tree in tree_ids: for leaf in leaves[tree].keys(): t_l.append((tree, leaf)) features = np.arange(0, n_inputs) # Use the input_bounds and the linear models in the leaves to calculate # the lower and upper bounds on the output variable. Required for Pyomo.GDP output_bounds = _build_output_bounds(model_definition, input_bounds) # Ouptuts are automatically scaled based on whether inputs are scaled block.outputs.setub(output_bounds[1]) block.outputs.setlb(output_bounds[0]) block.scaled_outputs.setub(output_bounds[1]) block.scaled_outputs.setlb(output_bounds[0]) block.intermediate_output = pe.Var( tree_ids, bounds=(output_bounds[0], output_bounds[1]) ) # Create a disjunct for each leaf containing the bound constraints # and the linear model expression. def disjuncts_rule(dsj, tree, leaf): def lb_rule(dsj, feat): return input_vars[feat] >= leaves[tree][leaf]["bounds"][feat][0] dsj.lb_constraint = pe.Constraint(features, rule=lb_rule) def ub_rule(dsj, feat): return input_vars[feat] <= leaves[tree][leaf]["bounds"][feat][1] dsj.ub_constraint = pe.Constraint(features, rule=ub_rule) slope = leaves[tree][leaf]["slope"] intercept = leaves[tree][leaf]["intercept"] dsj.linear_exp = pe.Constraint( expr=sum(slope[k] * input_vars[k] for k in features) + intercept == block.intermediate_output[tree] ) block.disjunct = Disjunct(t_l, rule=disjuncts_rule) @block.Disjunction(tree_ids) def disjunction_rule(b, tree): leaf_ids = list(leaves[tree].keys()) return [block.disjunct[tree, leaf] for leaf in leaf_ids] block.total_output = pe.Constraint( expr=output_vars[0] == sum(block.intermediate_output[tree] for tree in tree_ids) ) transformation_string = "gdp." + transformation if transformation != "custom": pe.TransformationFactory(transformation_string).apply_to(block) def _add_hybrid_formulation_to_block(block, model_definition, input_vars, output_vars): """ This function adds the Hybrid BigM representation to the OmltBlock Arguments: block -- OmltBlock model_definition -- LinearTreeDefinition Object input_vars -- input variables to the linear tree model output_vars -- output variable of the linear tree model """ leaves = model_definition.leaves input_bounds = model_definition.scaled_input_bounds n_inputs = model_definition.n_inputs # The set of trees tree_ids = list(leaves.keys()) # Create a list of tuples that contains the tree and leaf indices. Note that # the leaf indices depend on the tree in the ensemble. t_l = [] for tree in tree_ids: for leaf in leaves[tree].keys(): t_l.append((tree, leaf)) features = np.arange(0, n_inputs) # Use the input_bounds and the linear models in the leaves to calculate # the lower and upper bounds on the output variable. Required for Pyomo.GDP output_bounds = _build_output_bounds(model_definition, input_bounds) # Ouptuts are automatically scaled based on whether inputs are scaled block.outputs.setub(output_bounds[1]) block.outputs.setlb(output_bounds[0]) block.scaled_outputs.setub(output_bounds[1]) block.scaled_outputs.setlb(output_bounds[0]) # Create the intermeditate variables. z is binary that indicates which leaf # in tree t is returned. intermediate_output is the output of tree t and # the total output of the model is the sum of the intermediate_output vars block.z = pe.Var(t_l, within=pe.Binary) block.intermediate_output = pe.Var(tree_ids) @block.Constraint(features, tree_ids) def lower_bound_constraints(mdl, feat, tree): leaf_ids = list(leaves[tree].keys()) return ( sum( leaves[tree][leaf]["bounds"][feat][0] * mdl.z[tree, leaf] for leaf in leaf_ids ) <= input_vars[feat] ) @block.Constraint(features, tree_ids) def upper_bound_constraints(mdl, feat, tree): leaf_ids = list(leaves[tree].keys()) return ( sum( leaves[tree][leaf]["bounds"][feat][1] * mdl.z[tree, leaf] for leaf in leaf_ids ) >= input_vars[feat] ) @block.Constraint(tree_ids) def linear_constraint(mdl, tree): leaf_ids = list(leaves[tree].keys()) return block.intermediate_output[tree] == sum( ( sum( leaves[tree][leaf]["slope"][feat] * input_vars[feat] for feat in features ) + leaves[tree][leaf]["intercept"] ) * block.z[tree, leaf] for leaf in leaf_ids ) @block.Constraint(tree_ids) def only_one_leaf_per_tree(b, tree): leaf_ids = list(leaves[tree].keys()) return sum(block.z[tree, leaf] for leaf in leaf_ids) == 1 @block.Constraint() def output_sum_of_trees(b): return output_vars[0] == sum( block.intermediate_output[tree] for tree in tree_ids )