Gradient Boosted Trees

class omlt.gbt.gbt_formulation.GBTBigMFormulation(gbt_model)[source]

Bases: omlt.formulation._PyomoFormulation

property input_indexes

Return the indices corresponding to the inputs of the ML model. This is a list of entries (which may be tuples for higher dimensional inputs).

property output_indexes

Return the indices corresponding to the outputs of the ML model. This is a list of entries (which may be tuples for higher dimensional outputs).

omlt.gbt.gbt_formulation.add_formulation_to_block(block, model_definition, input_vars, output_vars)[source]


  • Misic, V. “Optimization of tree ensembles.” Operations Research 68.5 (2020): 1605-1624.

  • Mistry, M., et al. “Mixed-integer convex nonlinear optimization with gradient-boosted trees embedded.” INFORMS Journal on Computing (2020).

class omlt.gbt.model.GradientBoostedTreeModel(onnx_model, scaling_object=None, scaled_input_bounds=None)[source]

Bases: object

property n_hidden
property n_inputs
property n_outputs
property onnx_model
property scaled_input_bounds

Return a list of tuples containing lower and upper bounds of neural network inputs

property scaling_object

Return an instance of the scaling object that supports the ScalingInterface