Source code for

from onnx import numpy_helper
import numpy as np

from omlt.neuralnet.network_definition import NetworkDefinition
from omlt.neuralnet.layer import (

_ACTIVATION_OP_TYPES = ["Relu", "Sigmoid", "LogSoftmax"]

[docs]class NetworkParser: """ References ---------- * """ def __init__(self): self._reset_state() def _reset_state(self): self._graph = None self._initializers = None self._constants = None self._nodes = None self._nodes_by_output = None self._inputs = None self._outputs = None self._node_stack = None self._node_map = None
[docs] def parse_network(self, graph, scaling_object, input_bounds): self._reset_state() self._graph = graph # initializers contain constant data initializers = dict() for initializer in self._graph.initializer: initializers[] = numpy_helper.to_array(initializer) self._initializers = initializers # Build graph nodes = dict() nodes_by_output = dict() inputs = set() outputs = set() self._node_map = dict() network = NetworkDefinition(scaling_object=scaling_object, scaled_input_bounds=input_bounds) network_input = None for input in self._graph.input: nodes[] = ("input", input.type, []) nodes_by_output[] = inputs.add( # onnx inputs are tensors. Flatten tensors to a vector. dim_value = None size = [] for dim in input.type.tensor_type.shape.dim: if dim.dim_value > 0: if dim_value is None: dim_value = 1 size.append(dim.dim_value) dim_value *= dim.dim_value assert dim_value is not None assert network_input is None network_input = InputLayer(size) self._node_map[] = network_input network.add_layer(network_input) assert network_input is not None self._nodes = nodes self._nodes_by_output = nodes_by_output self._inputs = inputs self._outputs = outputs # The node.output field contains the name of this node # output. # Here map output name to node name. for node in self._graph.node: for output in node.output: nodes_by_output[output] = self._constants = dict() for node in self._graph.node: # add node not connected to anything self._nodes[] = ("node", node, []) # Map inputs by their output name node_inputs = [ nodes_by_output[input] for input in node.input if input not in initializers ] if node_inputs: # Now connect inputs to the current node for input in node_inputs: self._nodes[input][2].append( else: assert node.op_type == "Constant" for output in node.output: value = _parse_constant_value(node) self._constants[output] = value # traverse graph self._node_stack = list(inputs) self._weights = dict() self._biases = dict() self._activations = dict() while self._node_stack: node_name = self._node_stack.pop() type_, node, next_nodes = self._nodes[node_name] # no need to process inputs or outputs if type_ == "node": new_layer, new_layer_inputs = self._visit_node( node, next_nodes ) if new_layer is not None: network.add_layer(new_layer) for layer_input in new_layer_inputs: network.add_edge(layer_input, new_layer) else: for next in next_nodes: self._node_stack.append(next) return network
def _visit_node(self, node, next_nodes): if node.op_type == "MatMul": next_nodes, new_layer, new_layer_inputs = self._consume_dense_nodes(node, next_nodes) elif node.op_type == "Gemm": next_nodes, new_layer, new_layer_inputs = self._consume_gemm_dense_nodes(node, next_nodes) elif node.op_type == "Conv": next_nodes, new_layer, new_layer_inputs = self._consume_conv_nodes(node, next_nodes) elif node.op_type == "Reshape": next_nodes = self._consume_reshape_nodes(node, next_nodes) new_layer = new_layer_inputs = None else: raise Exception(f"Unhandled node type {node.op_type}") for next in next_nodes: self._node_stack.append(next) return new_layer, new_layer_inputs def _consume_dense_nodes(self, node, next_nodes): """Starting from a MatMul node, consume nodes to form a dense Ax + b node.""" assert node.op_type == "MatMul" assert len(node.input) == 2 [in_0, in_1] = list(node.input) input_layer, transformer = self._node_input_and_transformer(in_0) node_weights = self._initializers[in_1] assert len(next_nodes) == 1 # expect 'Add' node ahead type_, node, maybe_next_nodes = self._nodes[next_nodes[0]] assert type_ == "node" assert node.op_type == "Add" # extract biases next_nodes = maybe_next_nodes assert len(node.input) == 2 [in_0, in_1] = list(node.input) if in_0 in self._initializers: node_biases = self._initializers[in_0] else: assert in_1 in self._initializers node_biases = self._initializers[in_1] assert len(node_weights.shape) == 2 assert node_weights.shape[1] == node_biases.shape[0] assert len(node.output) == 1 input_output_size = input_layer.output_size if transformer is not None: input_output_size = transformer.output_size output_size = input_output_size[:-1] + [node_weights.shape[1]] activation = "linear" if len(next_nodes) == 1: # check if Relu type_, maybe_node, maybe_next_nodes = self._nodes[next_nodes[0]] if maybe_node.op_type in _ACTIVATION_OP_TYPES: node = maybe_node activation = maybe_node.op_type.lower() next_nodes = maybe_next_nodes dense_layer = DenseLayer( input_output_size, output_size, node_weights, node_biases, activation=activation, input_index_mapper=None ) self._node_map[] = dense_layer self._node_map[node.output[0]] = dense_layer return next_nodes, dense_layer, [input_layer] def _consume_gemm_dense_nodes(self, node, next_nodes): """Starting from a Gemm node, consume nodes to form a dense aAB + bC node.""" assert node.op_type == "Gemm" assert len(node.input) == 3 attr = _collect_attributes(node) alpha = attr["alpha"] beta = attr["beta"] assert attr["transB"] == 1 [in_0, in_1, in_2] = list(node.input) input_layer, transformer = self._node_input_and_transformer(in_0) weights = self._initializers[in_1] # transpose B weights = np.transpose(weights) biases = self._initializers[in_2] input_output_size = input_layer.output_size if transformer is not None: input_output_size = transformer.output_size # output is the same size as input except for the last dimension output_size = input_output_size[:-1] + [weights.shape[1]] activation = "linear" if len(next_nodes) == 1: # check if Relu type_, maybe_node, maybe_next_nodes = self._nodes[next_nodes[0]] if maybe_node.op_type in _ACTIVATION_OP_TYPES: node = maybe_node activation = node.op_type.lower() next_nodes = maybe_next_nodes weights = weights * alpha biases = beta * biases dense_layer = DenseLayer( input_output_size, output_size, weights, biases, activation=activation, input_index_mapper=transformer ) self._node_map[] = dense_layer self._node_map[node.output[0]] = dense_layer return next_nodes, dense_layer, [input_layer] def _consume_conv_nodes(self, node, next_nodes): """ Starting from a Conv node, consume nodes to form a convolution node with (optional) activation function. """ assert node.op_type == "Conv" assert len(node.input) in [2, 3] if len(node.input) == 2: [in_0, in_1] = list(node.input) in_2 = None else: [in_0, in_1, in_2] = list(node.input) input_layer, transformer = self._node_input_and_transformer(in_0) input_output_size = input_layer.output_size if transformer is not None: input_output_size = transformer.output_size weights = self._initializers[in_1] [out_channels, in_channels, *kernel_shape] = weights.shape if in_2 is None: biases = np.zeros(out_channels) else: biases = self._initializers[in_2] attr = _collect_attributes(node) strides = attr['strides'] # check only kernel shape and stride are set # everything else is not supported assert biases.shape == (out_channels,) assert in_channels == input_output_size[0] assert attr['kernel_shape'] == kernel_shape assert attr['dilations'] == [1, 1] assert attr['group'] == 1 if 'pads' in attr: assert not np.any(attr['pads']) # pads all zero assert len(kernel_shape) == len(strides) assert len(input_output_size) == len(kernel_shape) + 1 # generate new nodes for the node output padding = 0 output_size = [out_channels] for w, k, s in zip(input_output_size[1:], kernel_shape, strides): new_w = int((w - k + 2*padding) / s) + 1 output_size.append(new_w) activation = "linear" if len(next_nodes) == 1: # check if Relu type_, maybe_node, maybe_next_nodes = self._nodes[next_nodes[0]] if maybe_node.op_type in _ACTIVATION_OP_TYPES: node = maybe_node activation = maybe_node.op_type.lower() next_nodes = maybe_next_nodes # convolute image one channel at the time # expect 2d image with channels assert len(input_output_size) == 3 conv_layer = ConvLayer( input_output_size, output_size, strides, weights, activation=activation, input_index_mapper=transformer, ) self._node_map[] = conv_layer self._node_map[node.output[0]] = conv_layer return next_nodes, conv_layer, [input_layer] def _consume_reshape_nodes(self, node, next_nodes): """Parse a Reshape node.""" assert node.op_type == "Reshape" assert len(node.input) == 2 [in_0, in_1] = list(node.input) input_layer = self._node_map[in_0] new_shape = self._constants[in_1] output_size = np.empty(input_layer.output_size).reshape(new_shape).shape transformer = IndexMapper(input_layer.output_size, list(output_size)) self._node_map[node.output[0]] = (transformer, input_layer) return next_nodes def _node_input_and_transformer(self, node_name): maybe_layer = self._node_map[node_name] if isinstance(maybe_layer, tuple): transformer, input_layer = maybe_layer return input_layer, transformer else: return maybe_layer, None
def _collect_attributes(node): r = dict() for attr in node.attribute: if attr.type == 1: # FLOAT r[] = attr.f elif attr.type == 2: # INT r[] = int(attr.i) elif attr.type == 4: # TENSOR r[] = numpy_helper.to_array(attr.t) pass elif attr.type == 7: # INTS r[] = list(attr.ints) else: raise RuntimeError(f'unhandled attribute type {attr.type}') return r def _parse_constant_value(node): attr = _collect_attributes(node) value = attr['value'] return value