Source code for omlt.neuralnet.network_definition

import networkx as nx

from omlt.neuralnet.layer import Layer

[docs]class NetworkDefinition: def __init__( self, scaling_object=None, scaled_input_bounds=None, unscaled_input_bounds=None ): """ Create a network definition object used to create the neural network formulation in Pyomo Args: scaling_object : ScalingInterface or None A scaling object to specify the scaling parameters for the neural network inputs and outputs. If None, then no scaling is performed. scaled_input_bounds : dict or None A dict that contains the bounds on the scaled variables (the direct inputs to the neural network). If None, then no bounds are specified or they are generated using unscaled bounds. unscaled_input_bounds: dict or None A dict that contains the bounds on the scaled variables (the direct inputs to the neural network). If supplied the scaled_input_bounds parameter will be generated using the scaling object. If None, then no bounds are specified. """ self.__layers_by_id = dict() self.__graph = nx.DiGraph() self.__scaling_object = scaling_object # Process input bounds to insure scaled input bounds exist for formulations if scaled_input_bounds is None: if unscaled_input_bounds is not None and scaling_object is not None: lbs = scaling_object.get_scaled_input_expressions( {k: t[0] for k, t in unscaled_input_bounds.items()} ) ubs = scaling_object.get_scaled_input_expressions( {k: t[1] for k, t in unscaled_input_bounds.items()} ) scaled_input_bounds = { k: (lbs[k], ubs[k]) for k in unscaled_input_bounds.keys() } # If unscaled input bounds provided and no scaler provided, scaled input bounds = unscaled input bounds elif unscaled_input_bounds is not None and scaling_object is None: scaled_input_bounds = unscaled_input_bounds self.__unscaled_input_bounds = unscaled_input_bounds self.__scaled_input_bounds = scaled_input_bounds
[docs] def add_layer(self, layer): """ Add a layer to the network. Parameters ---------- layer : Layer the layer to add to the network """ layer_id = id(layer) self.__layers_by_id[layer_id] = layer self.__graph.add_node(layer_id)
[docs] def add_edge(self, from_layer, to_layer): """ Add an edge between two layers. Parameters ---------- from_layer : Layer the layer with the outbound connection to_layer : Layer the layer with the inbound connection """ id_to = id(to_layer) id_from = id(from_layer) if id_to not in self.__layers_by_id: raise ValueError(f"Inbound layer {to_layer} not found in network.") if id_from not in self.__layers_by_id: raise ValueError(f"Outbound layer {from_layer} not found in network.") self.__graph.add_edge(id_from, id_to)
@property def scaling_object(self): """Return an instance of the scaling object that supports the ScalingInterface""" return self.__scaling_object @property def scaled_input_bounds(self): """Return a dict of tuples containing lower and upper bounds of neural network inputs""" return self.__scaled_input_bounds @property def unscaled_input_bounds(self): """Return a dict of tuples containing lower and upper bounds of unscaled neural network inputs""" return self.__unscaled_input_bounds @property def input_layers(self): """Return an iterator over the input layers""" for layer_id, in_degree in self.__graph.in_degree(): if in_degree == 0: yield self.__layers_by_id[layer_id] @property def input_nodes(self): """An alias for input_layers""" return self.input_layers @property def output_layers(self): """Return an iterator over the output layer""" for layer_id, out_degree in self.__graph.out_degree(): if out_degree == 0: yield self.__layers_by_id[layer_id] @property def output_nodes(self): """An alias for output_layers""" return self.output_layers
[docs] def layer(self, layer_id): """Return the layer with the given id""" return self.__layers_by_id[layer_id]
@property def layers(self): """Return an iterator over all the layers""" for layer_id in nx.topological_sort(self.__graph): yield self.__layers_by_id[layer_id]
[docs] def predecessors(self, layer): """Return an iterator over the layers with outbound connections into the layer""" if isinstance(layer, Layer): layer = id(layer) for node_id in self.__graph.predecessors(layer): yield self.__layers_by_id[node_id]
[docs] def successors(self, layer): """Return an iterator over the layers with an inbound connection from the layer""" if isinstance(layer, Layer): layer = id(layer) for node_id in self.__graph.successors(layer): yield self.__layers_by_id[node_id]
def __str__(self): return f"NetworkDefinition(num_layers={len(self.__layers_by_id)})"