Source code for omlt.neuralnet.layers.partition_based

import numpy as np
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.contrib.fbbt.fbbt import compute_bounds_on_expr

[docs]def default_partition_split_func(w, n): r""" Default function for partitioning weights in :math:`w` into :math:`n` partitions. Weights in :math:`w` are sorted and partitioned evenly. """ sorted_indexes = np.argsort(w) n = min(n, len(sorted_indexes)) return np.array_split(sorted_indexes, n)
[docs]def partition_based_dense_relu_layer(net_block, net, layer_block, layer, split_func): r""" Partition-based ReLU activation formulation. Generates the constraints for the ReLU activation function: .. math:: \begin{align*} y_j = \max\left(0,\sum\limits_{i=0}^{F_{in}-1}w_{ij}x_i+b_j\right), && \forall 0\le j<F_{out} \end{align*} We additionally introduce the following notations to describe this formulation: .. math:: \begin{align*} n &:= \text{the number of partitions}\\ S_k &:= \text{indexes of the $k$-th partition satisfying:} \\ & \quad\quad \bigcup\limits_{k=0}^{n-1} S_k=\{0,1,\dots,F_{in}-1\},~S_{k_1}\cap S_{k_2}=\emptyset, ~\forall k_1\neq k_2\\ \sigma &:= \text{if this activation function is activated, i.e.,}\\ & \quad\quad y_j= \begin{cases} 0, & \sigma=1\\ \sum\limits_{i=0}^{F_{in}-1}w_{ij}x_i+b_j, & \sigma=0 \end{cases}\\ p_k &:=\text{auxiliary variable representing the $k$-th partition, i.e., $\sum\limits_{i\in S_k}w_{ij}x_i$}\\ l_k &:=\text{the lower bound of $\sum\limits_{i\in S_k}w_{ij}x_i$}\\ u_k &:=\text{the upper bound of $\sum\limits_{i\in S_k}w_{ij}x_i$} \end{align*} The partition-based formulation for :math:`y_j` is given by: .. math:: \begin{align*} & y_j=\sum\limits_{k=0}^{n-1}p_k+(1-\sigma)b_j\\ & \sum\limits_{k=0}^{n-1}\left(\sum\limits_{i\in S_k}w_{ij}x_i-p_k\right)+\sigma b_j\le 0\\ & \sum\limits_{k=0}^{n-1}p_k+(1-\sigma)b_j\ge 0\\ & \sigma l_k\le \sum\limits_{i\in S_k}w_{ij}x_i-p_k\le \sigma u_k,~0\le k<n\\ & (1-\sigma)l_k\le p_k\le (1-\sigma)u_k,~0\le k<n \end{align*} """ # not an input layer, process the expressions prev_layers = list(net.predecessors(layer)) if len(prev_layers) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Layer {layer} is not an input layer, but has no predecessors." ) elif len(prev_layers) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Layer {layer} has multiple predecessors.") prev_layer = prev_layers[0] prev_layer_block = net_block.layer[id(prev_layer)] @layer_block.Block(layer.output_indexes) def output_node_block(b, *output_index): # dense layers multiply only the last dimension of # their inputs weights = layer.weights[:, output_index[-1]] bias = layer.biases[output_index[-1]] splits = split_func(weights) num_splits = len(splits) b.sig = pyo.Var(domain=pyo.Binary) b.z2 = pyo.Var(range(num_splits)) mapper = layer.input_index_mapper b.eq_16_lb = pyo.ConstraintList() b.eq_16_ub = pyo.ConstraintList() b.eq_17_lb = pyo.ConstraintList() b.eq_17_ub = pyo.ConstraintList() input_layer_indexes = list(layer.input_indexes_with_input_layer_indexes) # Add Equation 16 and 17 for split_index in range(num_splits): expr = 0.0 for split_local_index in splits[split_index]: _, local_index = input_layer_indexes[split_local_index] if mapper: input_index = mapper(local_index) else: input_index = local_index w = weights[local_index[-1]] expr += prev_layer_block.z[input_index] * w lb, ub = compute_bounds_on_expr(expr) if lb is None: raise ValueError("Expression is unbounded below.") if ub is None: raise ValueError("Expression is unbounded above.") z2 = b.z2[split_index] z2.setlb(min(0, lb)) z2.setub(max(0, ub)) b.eq_16_lb.add(expr - z2 >= b.sig * lb) b.eq_16_ub.add(expr - z2 <= b.sig * ub) b.eq_17_lb.add(z2 >= (1 - b.sig) * lb) b.eq_17_ub.add(z2 <= (1 - b.sig) * ub) # compute dense layer expression to compute bounds expr = 0.0 for local_index, input_index in layer.input_indexes_with_input_layer_indexes: w = layer.weights[local_index[-1], output_index[-1]] expr += prev_layer_block.z[input_index] * w # move this at the end to avoid numpy/pyomo var bug expr += bias lb, ub = compute_bounds_on_expr(expr) if lb is None: raise ValueError("Expression is unbounded below.") if ub is None: raise ValueError("Expression is unbounded above.") layer_block.z[output_index].setlb(0) layer_block.z[output_index].setub(max(0, ub)) eq_13_expr = 0.0 for split_index in range(num_splits): for split_local_index in splits[split_index]: _, local_index = input_layer_indexes[split_local_index] if mapper: input_index = mapper(local_index) else: input_index = local_index w = weights[local_index[-1]] eq_13_expr += prev_layer_block.z[input_index] * w eq_13_expr -= b.z2[split_index] eq_13_expr += bias * b.sig b.eq_13 = pyo.Constraint(expr=eq_13_expr <= 0) b.eq_14 = pyo.Constraint( expr=sum(b.z2[s] for s in range(num_splits)) + bias * (1 - b.sig) >= 0 ) b.eq_15 = pyo.Constraint( expr=layer_block.z[output_index] == sum(b.z2[s] for s in range(num_splits)) + bias * (1 - b.sig) )