Source code for omlt.neuralnet.layer

Neural network layer classes.

We use the following notations to define a layer:

.. math::

        F_{in}  &:= \text{number of input features}\\
        F_{out} &:= \text{number of output features}\\
        x_i     &:= \text{the $i$-th input, $0\le i<F_{in}$}\\
        y_j     &:= \text{the $j$-th output, $0\le j<F_{out}$}\\
        w_{ij}  &:= \text{weight from $x_i$ to $y_j$, $0\le i<F_{in}, 0\le j<F_{out}$}\\
        b_j     &:= \text{bias for $y_j$, $0\le j<F_{out}$}\\
        \sigma  &:= \text{activation function}

import itertools

import numpy as np

[docs]class Layer: """ Base layer class. Parameters ---------- input_size : list size of the layer input output_size : list size of the layer output activation : str or None activation function name input_index_mapper : IndexMapper or None map indexes from this layer index to the input layer index size """ def __init__( self, input_size, output_size, *, activation=None, input_index_mapper=None ): if not isinstance(input_size, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError( f"input_size must be a list or tuple, {type(input_size)} was provided." ) if not isinstance(output_size, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError( f"output_size must be a list or tuple, {type(output_size)} was provided." ) self.__input_size = list(input_size) self.__output_size = list(output_size) self.activation = activation if input_index_mapper is None: input_index_mapper = IndexMapper(input_size, input_size) self.__input_index_mapper = input_index_mapper @property def input_size(self): """Return the size of the input tensor""" return self.__input_size @property def output_size(self): """Return the size of the output tensor""" return self.__output_size @property def activation(self): """Return the activation function""" return self.__activation @activation.setter def activation(self, new_activation): """Change the activation function""" if new_activation is None: new_activation = "linear" self.__activation = new_activation @property def input_index_mapper(self): """Return the index mapper""" return self.__input_index_mapper @property def input_indexes_with_input_layer_indexes(self): """ Return an iterator generating a tuple of local and input indexes. Local indexes are indexes over the elements of the current layer. Input indexes are indexes over the elements of the previous layer. """ if self.__input_index_mapper is None: for index in self.input_indexes: yield index, index else: mapper = self.__input_index_mapper for index in self.input_indexes: yield index, mapper(index) @property def input_indexes(self): """Return a list of the input indexes""" return list(itertools.product(*[range(v) for v in self.__input_size])) @property def output_indexes(self): """Return a list of the output indexes""" return list(itertools.product(*[range(v) for v in self.__output_size]))
[docs] def eval_single_layer(self, x): """ Evaluate the layer at x. Parameters ---------- x : array-like the input tensor. Must have size `self.input_size`. """ x_reshaped = ( np.reshape(x, self.__input_index_mapper.output_size) if self.__input_index_mapper is not None else x[:] ) if x_reshaped.shape != tuple(self.input_size): raise ValueError( f"Layer requires an input size {self.input_size}, but the input tensor had size {x_reshaped.shape}." ) y = self._eval(x_reshaped) return self._apply_activation(y)
def __repr__(self): return f"<{str(self)} at {hex(id(self))}>" def _eval(self, x): raise NotImplementedError() def _apply_activation(self, x): if self.__activation == "linear" or self.__activation is None: return x elif self.__activation == "relu": return np.maximum(x, 0) elif self.__activation == "sigmoid": return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-x)) elif self.__activation == "tanh": return np.tanh(x) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown activation function {self.__activation}")
[docs]class InputLayer(Layer): """ The first layer in any network. Parameters ---------- size : tuple the size of the input. """ def __init__(self, size): super().__init__(size, size) def __str__(self): return ( f"InputLayer(input_size={self.input_size}, output_size={self.output_size})" ) def _eval(self, x): return x
[docs]class DenseLayer(Layer): r""" The dense layer is defined by: .. math:: \begin{align*} y_j = \sigma\left(\sum\limits_{i=0}^{F_{in}-1}w_{ij}x_i+b_j\right), && \forall 0\le j<F_{out} \end{align*} Parameters ---------- input_size : tuple the size of the input. output_size : tuple the size of the output. weight : matrix-like the weight matrix. biases : array-like the biases. activation : str or None activation function name input_index_mapper : IndexMapper or None map indexes from this layer index to the input layer index size """ def __init__( self, input_size, output_size, weights, biases, *, activation=None, input_index_mapper=None, ): super().__init__( input_size, output_size, activation=activation, input_index_mapper=input_index_mapper, ) self.__weights = weights self.__biases = biases @property def weights(self): """Return the matrix of node weights""" return self.__weights @property def biases(self): """Return the vector of node biases""" return self.__biases def __str__(self): return ( f"DenseLayer(input_size={self.input_size}, output_size={self.output_size})" ) def _eval(self, x): y =, self.__weights) + self.__biases y = np.reshape(y, tuple(self.output_size)) return y
[docs]class GNNLayer(DenseLayer): r""" We additionally introduce the following notations to describe the gnn layer: .. math:: \begin{align*} N &:= \text{the number of node in the graph}\\ u &:= \text{the node index of $x_i$, $u=\lfloor iN/F_{in}\rfloor$}\\ v &:= \text{the node index of $y_j$, $v=\lfloor jN/F_{out}\rfloor$}\\ A_{u,v} &:= \text{the edge between node $u$ and $v$}\\ \end{align*} The gnn layer is defined by: .. math:: \begin{align*} y_j = \sigma \left(\sum\limits_{i=0}^{F_{in}-1}A_{u,v}w_{ij}x_i+b_j\right), && \forall 0\le j<F_{out}, \end{align*} For example, given a GraphSAGE layer with sum aggregation: .. math:: \begin{align*} \mathbf{y_v} =\sigma\left(\mathbf{w_1^T}\mathbf{x_v}+\mathbf{w_2}^T\sum\limits_{u\in\mathcal N(v)}\mathbf{x_u}+\mathbf{b}\right) \end{align*} If the graph structure is fixed, assume that it is a line graph with :math:`N=3` nodes, i.e., the adjacency matrix :math:`A=\begin{pmatrix}1 & 1 & 0\\1 & 1 & 1\\ 0 & 1 & 1\end{pmatrix}`. Then the corresponding GNN layer is defined with parameters: .. math:: \begin{align*} \mathbf{W}=\begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{w_1} & \mathbf{w_2} & \mathbf{0} \\ \mathbf{w_2} & \mathbf{w_1} & \mathbf{w_2} \\ \mathbf{0} & \mathbf{w_2} & \mathbf{w_1} \\ \end{pmatrix}, \mathbf{B}=\begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{b}\\\mathbf{b}\\\mathbf{b} \end{pmatrix} \end{align*} Otherwise, if the input graph structure is not fixed, all weights and biases should be provided. In this case, the GNN layer is defined with parameters: .. math:: \begin{align*} \mathbf{W}=\begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{w_1} & \mathbf{w_2} & \mathbf{w_2} \\ \mathbf{w_2} & \mathbf{w_1} & \mathbf{w_2} \\ \mathbf{w_2} & \mathbf{w_2} & \mathbf{w_1} \\ \end{pmatrix}, \mathbf{B}=\begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{b}\\\mathbf{b}\\\mathbf{b} \end{pmatrix} \end{align*} In this case, all elements :math:`A_{u,v},u\neq v` are binary variables. Parameters ---------- input_size : tuple the size of the input. output_size : tuple the size of the output. weight : matrix-like the weight matrix. biases : array-like the biases. N : int number of nodes in the graph activation : str or None activation function name input_index_mapper : IndexMapper or None map indexes from this layer index to the input layer index size """ def __init__( self, input_size, output_size, weights, biases, N, *, activation=None, input_index_mapper=None, ): super().__init__( input_size, output_size, weights=weights, biases=biases, activation=activation, input_index_mapper=input_index_mapper, ) if input_size[-1] % N != 0: raise ValueError( "Input size must equal to the number of nodes multiplied by the number of input node features" ) if output_size[-1] % N != 0: raise ValueError( "Output size must equal to the number of nodes multiplied by the number of output node features" ) self.__N = N self.__gnn_input_size = input_size[-1] // N self.__gnn_output_size = output_size[-1] // N @property def N(self): """Return the number of nodes in the graphs""" return self.__N @property def gnn_input_size(self): """Return the size of the input tensor in original GNN""" return self.__gnn_input_size @property def gnn_output_size(self): """Return the size of the output tensor in original GNN""" return self.__gnn_output_size def __str__(self): return f"GNNLayer(input_size={self.input_size}, output_size={self.output_size})" def _eval_with_adjacency(self, x, A): x_reshaped = ( np.reshape(x, self.input_index_mapper.output_size) if self.input_index_mapper is not None else x[:] ) assert x_reshaped.shape == tuple(self.input_size) y = np.zeros(shape=self.output_size) for output_index in self.output_indexes: for input_index in self.input_indexes: if input_index[:-1] == output_index[:-1]: y[output_index] += ( x_reshaped[input_index] * self.weights[input_index[-1], output_index[-1]] * A[ input_index[-1] // self.gnn_input_size, output_index[-1] // self.gnn_output_size, ] ) y[output_index] += self.biases[output_index[-1]] return y
[docs]class Layer2D(Layer): """ Abstract two-dimensional layer that downsamples values in a kernel to a single value. Parameters ---------- input_size : tuple the size of the input. output_size : tuple the size of the output. strides : matrix-like stride of the kernel. activation : str or None activation function name input_index_mapper : IndexMapper or None map indexes from this layer index to the input layer index size """ def __init__( self, input_size, output_size, strides, *, activation=None, input_index_mapper=None, ): super().__init__( input_size, output_size, activation=activation, input_index_mapper=input_index_mapper, ) self.__strides = strides @property def strides(self): """Return the stride of the layer""" return self.__strides @property def kernel_shape(self): """Return the shape of the kernel""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def kernel_depth(self): """Return the depth of the kernel""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def kernel_index_with_input_indexes(self, out_d, out_r, out_c): """ Returns an iterator over the index within the kernel and input index for the output at index `(out_d, out_r, out_c)`. Parameters ---------- out_d : int the output depth. out_r : int the output row. out_c : int the output column. """ kernel_d = self.kernel_depth [kernel_r, kernel_c] = self.kernel_shape [rows_stride, cols_stride] = self.__strides start_in_d = 0 start_in_r = out_r * rows_stride start_in_c = out_c * cols_stride mapper = lambda x: x if self.input_index_mapper is not None: mapper = self.input_index_mapper for k_d in range(kernel_d): for k_r in range(kernel_r): for k_c in range(kernel_c): input_index = (start_in_d + k_d, start_in_r + k_r, start_in_c + k_c) assert len(input_index) == len(self.input_size) # don't yield an out-of-bounds input index; # can happen if ceil mode is enabled for pooling layers # as this could require using a partial kernel # even though we loop over ALL kernel indexes. if not all( input_index[i] < self.input_size[i] for i in range(len(input_index)) ): continue yield (k_d, k_r, k_c), input_index
[docs] def get_input_index(self, out_index, kernel_index): """ Returns the input index corresponding to the output at `out_index` and the kernel index `kernel_index`. """ out_d, out_r, out_c = out_index for candidate_kernel_index, input_index in self.kernel_index_with_input_indexes( out_d, out_r, out_c ): if kernel_index == candidate_kernel_index: return input_index
def _eval(self, x): y = np.empty(shape=self.output_size) if len(self.output_size) != 3: raise ValueError( f"Output should have 3 dimensions but instead has {len(self.output_size)}" ) [depth, rows, cols] = list(self.output_size) for out_d in range(depth): for out_r in range(rows): for out_c in range(cols): y[out_d, out_r, out_c] = self._eval_at_index(x, out_d, out_r, out_c) return y def _eval_at_index(self, x, out_d, out_r, out_c): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class PoolingLayer2D(Layer2D): """ Two-dimensional pooling layer. Parameters ---------- input_size : tuple the size of the input. output_size : tuple the size of the output. strides : matrix-like stride of the kernel. pool_func : str name of function used to pool values in a kernel to a single value. transpose : bool True iff input matrix is accepted in transposed (i.e. column-major) form. activation : str or None activation function name input_index_mapper : IndexMapper or None map indexes from this layer index to the input layer index size """ _POOL_FUNCTIONS = {"max": max} def __init__( self, input_size, output_size, strides, pool_func_name, kernel_shape, kernel_depth, *, activation=None, input_index_mapper=None, ): super().__init__( input_size, output_size, strides, activation=activation, input_index_mapper=input_index_mapper, ) if pool_func_name not in PoolingLayer2D._POOL_FUNCTIONS: raise ValueError( f"Allowable pool functions are {PoolingLayer2D._POOL_FUNCTIONS}, {pool_func_name} was provided." ) self._pool_func_name = pool_func_name self._kernel_shape = kernel_shape self._kernel_depth = kernel_depth @property def kernel_shape(self): """Return the shape of the kernel""" return self._kernel_shape @property def kernel_depth(self): """Return the depth of the kernel""" return self._kernel_depth def __str__(self): return f"PoolingLayer(input_size={self.input_size}, output_size={self.output_size}, strides={self.strides}, kernel_shape={self.kernel_shape}), pool_func_name={self._pool_func_name}" def _eval_at_index(self, x, out_d, out_r, out_c): vals = [ x[index] for (_, index) in self.kernel_index_with_input_indexes(out_d, out_r, out_c) ] pool_func = PoolingLayer2D._POOL_FUNCTIONS[self._pool_func_name] return pool_func(vals)
[docs]class ConvLayer2D(Layer2D): """ Two-dimensional convolutional layer. Parameters ---------- input_size : tuple the size of the input. output_size : tuple the size of the output.. strides : matrix-like stride of the cross-correlation kernel. kernel : matrix-like the cross-correlation kernel. activation : str or None activation function name input_index_mapper : IndexMapper or None map indexes from this layer index to the input layer index size """ def __init__( self, input_size, output_size, strides, kernel, *, activation=None, input_index_mapper=None, ): super().__init__( input_size, output_size, strides, activation=activation, input_index_mapper=input_index_mapper, ) self.__kernel = kernel
[docs] def kernel_with_input_indexes(self, out_d, out_r, out_c): """ Returns an iterator over the kernel value and input index for the output at index `(out_d, out_r, out_c)`. Parameters ---------- out_d : int the output depth. out_r : int the output row. out_c : int the output column. """ for (k_d, k_r, k_c), input_index in self.kernel_index_with_input_indexes( out_d, out_r, out_c ): k_v = self.__kernel[out_d, k_d, k_r, k_c] yield k_v, input_index
@property def kernel_shape(self): """Return the shape of the cross-correlation kernel""" return self.__kernel.shape[2:] @property def kernel_depth(self): """Return the depth of the cross-correlation kernel""" return self.__kernel.shape[1] @property def kernel(self): """Return the cross-correlation kernel""" return self.__kernel def __str__(self): return f"ConvLayer(input_size={self.input_size}, output_size={self.output_size}, strides={self.strides}, kernel_shape={self.kernel_shape})" def _eval_at_index(self, x, out_d, out_r, out_c): acc = 0.0 for k, index in self.kernel_with_input_indexes(out_d, out_r, out_c): acc += k * x[index] return acc
[docs]class IndexMapper: """ Map indexes from one layer to the other. Parameters ---------- input_size : tuple the input size output_size : tuple the mapped input layer's output size """ def __init__(self, input_size, output_size): self.__input_size = input_size self.__output_size = output_size @property def input_size(self): """Return the size of the input tensor""" return self.__input_size @property def output_size(self): """Return the size of the output tensor""" return self.__output_size def __call__(self, index): flat_index = np.ravel_multi_index(index, self.__output_size) return np.unravel_index(flat_index, self.__input_size) def __str__(self): return ( f"IndexMapper(input_size={self.input_size}, output_size={self.output_size})" )